Welcome to our Governors' section. Here you can find information on the role of the Governing Board, who the governors are and find minutes of previous meetings.
The Local Governing Board consists of individuals who are committed to improving the education of all pupils at Langdale Primary School.
School governors are drawn from different parts of the community and can be parents and staff or from the Local Authority, the community and other groups. This helps ensure the governing body has sufficient diversity of skills, views and experience but does not mean governors of a particular category represent that group on the governing body. For example, parent governors do not represent the parents at the school and do not report back to them.
Governors are part of the strategic leadership of our school and have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. For an academy school like Langdale, we also have an additional layer of strategic challenge in our Trustees. Trustee details can be found here.
In all types of schools, governing bodies should have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
When a school is inspected by Ofsted, its governing body will be required to show evidence that governors conform with their three core functions.
As part of these three core functions governors have to:
- Ask the right questions
- Be aware of the importance of objective data and their sources
- Set policies, targets and priorities for achieving those objectives
- Monitor performance and progress towards those objectives
- Review achievements against the set aims and objectives
- Enable better governance through training, review and planning
Another aspect of the governors role has traditionally been referred to as being a ‘critical friend’ of the school, whereby, in addition to the duties laid out above, governors can and should also:
- Offer support
- Provide constructive advice
- Act as a sounding board - for the headteacher’s ideas
- Give a second opinion on proposals - which includes asking questions and challenging assumptions
- Help in arriving at the best solution - to further the best interests of the school
If you have any queries about the school please contact the Headteacher in the first instance, but the governors will be keen to hear from any parents who wish to provide feedback. You can contact the governors by email at
Meet the team:
Caroline Brunt: (Chair) Parent Governor
serving until April 2025
I have two children within our wonderful school and see the fantastic potential this school has to build on the improvements of recent years. I am a Mortgage Broker with too many years' experience to mention and love working with people to realise their dreams. I really appreciate the opportunity of helping inspire children to achieve their dreams too. I meet with various local businesses on a regular basis and feel I can use my experience and contacts to enhance the schools' ambitious plans.
Business or pecuniary interests: None
Membership of other school governing boards: None
Rosie Howells: Co-opted Governor
serving until April 2028
Rosie is the manager of an outstanding Early Years setting, she is the Safeguarding link Governor and is a member of the Appeals committee.
Business or pecuniary interests: Owns a local childcare provision
Membership of other school governing boards: None
Julie Warrington: Co-opted Governor
Serving until March 2026
Julie works in a school with alternative provision. She brings an extreme wealth of knowledge from her educational and SEND background.
Julie is curriculum link governor
Business or pecuniary interests: None
Membership of other school governing boards: None
Stephanie Hewitt: Co-opted Governor Serving until September 2028
Stephanie works in the education sector and has a particular strength in Early Years.
Strength has a wealth of understanding of Quality of Education and Leadership and Management.
Stephanie is EYFS Link Governor
Business and pecuniary interests: None
Membership of other school governing boards: None
Sarah Connor: Staff Governor
Serving until November 2028
Sarah is the Computing Lead for the school. She plays an integral part in delivering our Computing curriculum. She also promotes the safe use of technology and provides a comprehensive curriculum for cyber-bullying, including assemblies, workshops, parent awareness sessions. Sarah will take on the role of Health and Safety link governor.
Jamie Baxter: Co-opted Governor Serving until September 2028
Jamie is an Executive Deputy Headteacher of a trust in Uttoxeter. He has had a wealth of experience in SEND and Inclusion and was the SENDco at Langdale for a number of years. He brings a wealth of knowledge across all areas of education.
Jamie is Inclusion Link Governor
Business and pecuniary interests: None
Membership of other school governing boards: None
Jayne Jackson: Parent Governor Serving until April 2028
Jayne was elected as our parent governor. She is keen to represent the parent voice and will assume the community link governor role. Jayne works in education and so brings a wealth of educational knowledge to our board.
Jayne is the curriculum link governor
Business and pecuniary interests: None
Membership of other school governing boards: None
Mrs Cartwright: Headteacher
Mrs Cartwright automatically became a member of the Governing Board when she became Headteacher in November 2019, and will remain a member throughout her employment in this role. She is also a member of the Staffing Committee
Business or pecuniary interests: Employee of Langdale Primary School
Membership of other school governing boards: Thursfield Primary School
Associate members:
When the Governing Board have a skills gap or require additional capacity they are able to appoint Associate Members to help fulfill their duties. Associate Members attend meetings and receive all paperwork but do not have voting rights. Our current Associate Members are:
Mrs Nadin: Deputy Headteacher