Intent, Implementation and Impact
Progression Documents
- Reading progression
- Writing Progression
- Progression in narrative texts
- Progression in non-fiction texts
- Poetry Progression
Writing Genres
- Year 1 writing genres overview
- Year 2 writing genres overview
- Year 3 writing genres overview
- Year 4 writing genres overview
- Year 5 writing genres overview
- Year 6 writing genres overview
- Early Years Overview
Poetry Across the School
English policies
- Langdale Primary Handwriting policy
- Langdale Primary School English Policy
- Langdale Primary Phonics policy
- Phonics-information-booklet
- Phonics at Langdale
- Phonics at Langdale Nursery
- Reception Reading at home booklet
- Year 1 reading at home booklet
Accelerated reader
Developing a ‘Reading Culture’ at Langdale
We Read across the curriculum: topic books, news articles, class magazines etc.;
We do storytelling and re-enacting stories: we invite storytellers into school.
We set up visits from authors and illustrators;
All class teachers are expected to read a class novel to model expression when reading aloud (DEAR time).
We have a Book Fair twice a year.
We have strong links with Clayton library and classes visit termly.
We take part in the Summer Reading challenge run by the library each year.
Parents are invited to school during ‘share a story week’
We take part in termly reading competitions run by The National Literacy Trust
Regular competitions such as ‘get caught reading’ take place.
We have half termly reading cafes for Year group winners of the AR quizzes.
Children and parent books swaps also take place.
Reading rockets scheme to promote reading at home
A 'Starbooks Cafe' has been set up in the KS2 hall to encourage children to read for pleasure.
A termly reading newsletter is sent out to parents.
We have a well-stocked library with a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry books.
We have an annual whole school 'Shakespeare Week'.
We have reading ambassadors for each class who promote reading in each class.
Recommended Reads