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Meet Our Ambassador Children


At Langdale, we place great importance on pupils taking responsibility for important roles across the school. This supports our commitment to the British Values, supporting pupils' understanding of democracy, individual liberty, tolerance and respect and the rule of the law.

BRITISH VALUES INFOGRAPHIC  INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY Freedom of speech for all. The right to make your own choices.  THE RULE OF LAW Understanding rules and their importance. Following rules to develop order.  DEMOCRACY Making decisions together. The right to an opinion/voice.  MUTUAL RESPECT Treating others as you wish to be treated. Respect for each other. Working together.  TOLERANCE Learning about different faiths and cultures. Listen to other viewpoints. Learning about diversity.

Here is a list of roles that our pupils undertake at Langdale:

Head boy/girl - voted for by the school staff
Deputy head boy/girl.
House captains/vice captains - voted for by the pupils - democracy
School council - democracy
Behaviour ambassadors - individual liberty
Health and safety ambassadors -  individual liberty
Litter pickers - rule of law
Lunchtime buddies - rule of law
Sports leaders - mutual respect and tolerance
Reading buddies - mutual respect and tolerance 

Head Pupils

Head Pupil     Head Pupil

Deputy Head Pupils

Deputy Head Pupil   Deputy Head Pupil

Our Reading Ambassadors

Our amazing ambassadors of reading.

Reading Ambassador  Reading Ambassador  Reading Ambassador  Reading Ambassador  Reading Ambassador Reading Ambassador  Reading Ambassador  Reading Ambassador

Health and Safety Ambassadors

Our fantastic health and safety advisors.

Health and Safety Ambassador  Health and Safety Ambassador  Health and Safety Ambassador  Health and Safety Ambassador  Health and Safety Ambassador  Health and Safety Ambassador Health and Safety Ambassador Health and Safety Ambassador  Health and Safety Ambassador

Our House Team Captains

Our terrific team captains.

  House Team Captain  House Team Captain House Team Captain  House Team Captain  House Team Captain House Team Captain  House Team Captain

Our Sport Leaders 

Our amazing young sport leaders.

Sport Leader  Sport Leader Sport Leader   Sport Leader    

Sport Leader   Sport Leader

Our School Council Representatives

Our sensational senates.

School Council Representative  School Council Representative  School Council Representative  School Council Representative  School Council Representative  School Council Representative  School Council Representative

LangdalePrimary School
Contact Us
01782 948000Langdale Primary Langdale Rd, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Newcastle ST5 3QE
The Creative Learning Patnership Trust