Online Safety
At Langdale, safeguarding our children is paramount to everything that we do. As part of this safeguardng , we are always developing ways in which to make sure that all members of the school are taught how to keep themselves safe online. All users of the school’s computing equipment are asked to sign our Acceptable Use Policy on induction to the school, and each time they log onto the school’s computer network. All of the computers in school are connected to the school’s network. The school uses Securus to monitor the use of the school networked computers/ipads. The computing subject leader monitors and feedbacks regular incident reports to the headteacher. In line with the school’s Behaviour /Anti Bullying Policy, unacceptable use of the school’s computer systems is reported to the Headteacher and other agencies involved where deemed necessary, and monitoring information is used to improve our online safety policy.
The school has annual online safety days in which children learn how to stay online-safe (and follow the SMART rules), and also has annual visits from the Saltmine Theatre Company. The SMART rules are displayed in the computer suite and in each classroom. There are also regular KS1 and KS2 assemblies delivered by the Online Safety Lead and other staff, in which children are taught at an age-appropriate level how to stay safe online.
The school recognises the rapidly growing need for online safety training and online safety awareness, and is currently developing training opportunities for all staff, parents, governors and the local community. For example, assemblies led by both our local Police Community Support Officer and our Local Authority online safety consultants and trainers.
Please see the school’s security policy and the school’s Acceptable Use Policies for further information.
In 2024, Langdale Primary School was awarded the 360 degree E-Safety mark for our commitment to keeping our children safe whilst using digital technology, including using the internet. We continue to develop the way in which we keep our children safe online in a rapidly changing world of technology.
How to safely set up devices for children at home.
Safe searching
parental controls on YouTube
360 Degree E-safety Mark
More information on the E-Safety Mark
Online Safety information, games and activities for KS1 and KS2 children.
- (5-7)
Online Safety information, games and activities for KS1 children.
- (8-10)
Online Safety information, games and activities for KS2 children.
More information on how to stay safe online